Colour Light Therapy assists in the treatment of immune system disorders and is a harmless alternative healing option. Colour Light Therapy has a long history of helping people with myriad disorders manage their pain and side effects.
Colour Light Therapy is non-invasive. People suffering from Immune System Disorders have had positive results from using Colour Light as their alterantive healing option.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is becoming widely recognised the world over. There are different treatments for classic (winter-based) seasonal affective disorder SAD and colour light therapy is ranked as one of the most beneficial.
Samassati Colour Light
Therapy has been used effectively in the treatment of:- Colour Light Therapy
supports the functioning of bodily processes such as:- Colour Light Therapy
also invites improved balance (physically, emotionally, mentally
and spiritually) It supports the
functioning of the bodily processes such as the immune system, the
lymphatic system and the endocrine system. It also invites
improved balance (physically, emotionally, mentally and
spiritually), improved energy levels, improved health in heart and
arteries and improved functioning of the nerve system. Treating
psycho-emotional disorders Samassati Colour
Light therapy is as different from conventional psychotherapy as
nuclear physics is different from chemistry. In essence, Samassati
therapists do nothing to change people, challenge defences, or even
"work things out". They simply shine light on something that is
dark or misunderstood, and bring the invitation to literally see
old things in a new light. Psychic rigidities are
covered by many protective layers of denial and psychological
gamesmanship. Even when life is so raw that we see the bare bones
of our limiting beliefs, we are seldom ready to release the past
and embrace the present. We are heavily invested in the fixed
structures which tell us how to live. After all, these attitudes
took shape in moments of intense pain and reflect a decision not to
face such pain ever again. Colour Light touches
this layer of our being and brings with it an atmosphere of trust
and opening. In a field of Colour Light we can creatively
meet the parts of ourselves that are hurt, angry, wounded, in
shock, resentful, revengeful, sad, lonely, lost,
betrayed. It melts the armour
which protects these emotions and allows them to emerge from the
sub-conscious to the conscious mind. The light then gives us the
presence we need to turn and face the attitudes and events which we
have buried in our unconscious. The never-ending streams of mental
emotional activity lose their density and a vast sense of open
space emerges. We feel free! Stimulating
transformation and growth Samassati Colour
Light Therapy embraces the biology of light, the physics of
colour, the science of light therapy, and the something more: the
quality of awakening the resources inside us all. There is a
spiritual dimension to each of us, a dimension emphasized by all
the awakened, compassionate masters. Most people who come
for Samassati Colour Light Therapy for the spiritual
aspects come with an appreciation of their incompleteness. They
know there is something more to life than simply caring for the
body and easing psychological anguish. They understand that
wellness is more than the absence of disease. They also sense the
compelling quality of their individuality. They can't follow the
guidelines of others in how to live, but are looking for the
resources to understand and live in harmony with their own unique
spiritual nature. Light evokes light.
When our own light starts shining, we begin to "see". We feel the
invitation to live according to our own vision, our own
light. Samassati Colour
Light treatments follow an individual approach and have no fixed
structure. What shows up in the session itself determines the
appropriate colour irrespective of the treatment level: physical,
emotional, mental or spiritual. The Samassati
Colour Light therapist uses a torch with exchangeable lenses
in different colours which can be applied without having to remove any clothing. With reference to Professors Popp and Lunt.